Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Fear of Pain and Loss

I watched Little People Big World last night simply to see them deal with the loss of their very close friend, Mike. I realized after an hour that I was making myself watch it for very specific reasons. I'm terrified of losing people I love. I watch TV for various reasons, but one of them is surely to see that other people suffer, go through struggling relationships and experience loss. And maybe by watching them, I somehow know that all things will pass. No matter what happens, it is in our nature to seek happiness and saddness eventually fades. I guess I figure if I can watch someone go through the worst, I will know it is possible for me to do the same. Not that I want to. I still fear loss, death and not knowing what the future holds. But yet, I'm drilling into my brain constantly the idea of faith. Ironically, I think faith has come naturally to me. It's easy for me to tell someone it's going to be OK and truly believe that. I guess once you've felt hopeless and come out the other side OK, and maybe even a better person, you can look past grief and sadness. However, I still appreciate the grieving process and know it is by no means an easy road. I guess I'm just trying to say that although there are terrible things that happen in this world that we will never understand, there is always hope. Now I fear I'm rambling... :) Please feel free to share a time of sorrow that you overcame. It helps us all.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Update on last post

From Walgreens:
Dear Erin Shipps,

Thank you for taking your time to contact our Corporate Offices. We appreciate hearing from our customers and value all comments received.

The check reader at the register read the wrong # on the last digit. So it sent the check to Erin Shipps account and it cleared. Paperwork was submitted to reverse this transaction and put the money back in your account. We just received confirmation from your bank that they will be processing this reversal.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Because frustrations are just around every corner

Thought I'd rant a bit about some things going on right now. :)
1. I just noticed an unauthorized transaction on our money market account from two months ago! It was $212.99 to Walgreens, written in check form. Small problem, we don't have checks on our MM account. And who spends that much at Walgreens? I don't know how this happened, but you better believe when I actually find time to get to the bank when I'm off work and they're still open, they're going to hear it from me! I should have been watching this account more closely, but we only look at it when we need to pay Glenn's tuition. We can't exactly take a $200 hit at this stage in our life.

2. Glenn's program switched from JCCC to Baker as of next semester. Thus, they added two more classes, on top of two more we didn't know about going into this. So, he can take the two classes and graduate from Baker and if he wants to be a teacher some day, go back and get his bachelors in this program. OR, he can not take the classes, get his cert. from JCCC and be screwed. They won't let you into the bachelor's program if you do this. So, more time, more money. He'll have to go through the fall, thus postponing any baby ideas I had in my brain... I know it will be fine, it's just a few more months, but they program put us in a really tough position and it was a difficult decision to make.

3. I'm sick. :( Waaaaa

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I love ugly old couch prints

It's been almost an obsession the past couple of years. I love gawdy lamps, sparkling chandeliers and ugly couch prints! The lamps and chandeliers will have to wait until I have more time and money to find them. But my awesome mom bought me this purse at Target and I'm in love with it. :) I got the smaller version, but you get the idea with the print.

Click here.